Online Teaching Examples
This is an example of an instructional video I created for my LDT 620 students at UMGC to clarify some of the steps in creating a design document for a three-lesson course. I currently teach LDT 610 (Learning Design and Digital Pedagogy) and LDT 620 (Learning Design, Media, and Emerging Technologies) in the MS in Learning Design and Technology at University of Maryland, Global Campus.
Most of the work I have completed was proprietary or I do not have access to samples. I am currently creating an exemplar using Adobe Rise. The following is a list of courses I teach:
- LDT 610
- LDT 620
Loom Video
Instructional Design Samples
Most of my work is proprietary or I have lost access to it. I am in the process of creating a sample Adobe Rise course. Here are a few examples from consulting work I’ve recently completed:
University of Maryland Global Campus
I served as a SME (subject-matter expert)/Instructional Design Contractor on the program redesign for the program in which I’m currently teaching. I developed this tutorial to demonstrate how to create a student porfolio using Google Sites.
Oregon College and Career Readiness Research Alliance
I served on a research advisory board through Education Northwest that looked at Developmental Education in Oregon. The report can be found here:
Additional publications can be found on my resume page.
Doctoral Dissertation
This is a screenshot of a 3-D virtual environment I built for my doctoral research.
Mentz, L. The effect of *presence in multiuser environments and its impact on second-language production: An exploratory study of a second-semester German class at California State University,Chico. Ph.D. thesis, Pepperdine University. Retrieved December 29, 2023 from

This is an example of an e-mail campaign I created to promote a new software product in India.